Fredrik Norén

Fredrik Mohammadi Norén is senior research assistant at Humlab – the digital humanities center at Umeå University – focusing on computational text analysis, media history, and strategic communication. In 2019, he received a PhD in media and communication at Umeå University on a thesis about the formation of governmental information in Sweden 1965–1975. Besides Modern Times 1936, Mohammadi Norén is involved in four major research projects geared towards digital humanities: Swedish Riksdag 1867–2022: An Ecosystem of linked open data (PI, Riksbankens jubileumsfond, 2023–2026), Welfare State Analytics (Swedish Research Council, 2019–2025,, and International Ideas at UNESCO (Swedish Research Council, 2020–2023, He has published in journals such as Media History, International Journal of Cultural Policy, and Scandinavian Journal of History.